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Showing posts from September, 2020

Important Business Terminology

The person who invests money, Goods or any other Assets in the business, gives time, assumes risk and is entitled wholly to the profit or loss of the business is called owner or proprietor.   Capital or owner's equity The amount of cash, Goods r any other assets which is invested by the owner is called Capital or Owner’s equity. For example Mr.Z the owner invested cash Rs.100000, Goods Rs.80000 and building Rs.50000 in the business . So capital will be Rs.230000.   Drawings                                 The cash or goods taken away by the owner from the business for his personal use are called his drawings. For example capital invested by Mr.Z is Rs.230000 and he withdraws Rs.30000 from business for personal use then Rs.30000 will be treated as drawings.     Debtors or Accounts Receivables Deb...

Distinction between Financial accounting and Cost and Management accounting

S.No Financial accounting Cost and Management accounting 1 It is primarily for external purpose It is primarily for internal purpose 2 It provides information about the financial performance and financial position of the business It provides information of ascertainment of cost to control cost and for decision making about the cost. 3 It classified records, presents and interprets transaction in terms of money It classifies, records, presents and interprets in a significant manner the material, labour and overheads cost 4 It shows the profit or loss of the organization It provides the details of cost and profit of each product, process etc 5 Financial statements are prepared for a definite period, usually a year Its reports and statements are prepared as and when required. ...

Discuss various kind of accounting: or Branch of accounting or subfields of accounting:

1. Financial accounting:               Financial accounting is mainly confined to the preparation of financial statements for the use of outsiders like creditors, Banks and financial institution etc. the chief purpose of financial accounting is to calculate profit or loss and show financial position of the business. 2. Cost accounting: Cost accounting is part of accounting which is concerned with the accumulation and assignment of cost to units of production and departments. It ascertains the cost of unit produced and sold. The process of cost accounting is based on the data provided by financial accounting. 3. Management accounting: Management accounting is that part of accounting which is concern mainly with internal reporting to the managers of a business unit. It relates to planning, control and decision-making which is useful to the management in the discharges of its functions. Management accounting is “forwar...

Discuss Functions, characteristics, Advantages and Limitation of accounting

Function of Accounting: 1.       Maintain the record: maintaining proper record of all the business transaction. 2.       Protection of business properties 3.       Legal requirements 4.       Communication of results Q: what are the characteristics of modern accounting? 1.       Accounting involves recording of financial activities which accompany the complexity and uncertainty of business. 2.       Accounting systems are prepared on cash basis or accrual basis of accounting 3.       Accounting is historical in nature. Q: State the advantages and limitation of accounting? Advantages of Accounting:                     1.       It provides information useful for making econo...