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Head of Accounts

Following are the head of accounts according to American approach:
1. Assets
2. Liabilities
3. Capital or owner’s equity
4. Revenues
5. Expenses
1. Assets
Assets are of two types.
Fixed assets
Current assets
Fixed assets:
Such assets which give benefit to the business for more than one year and these are bought not for sale are called fixed assets.
Plant and machinery
Plant is combination of different machines.
Furniture and fixture
Furniture can be moved but fixture can not be moved.
Motor vehicle
Office equipment
Horses and carts.
Current assets
Such assets:
That are in the form of cash
That will give cash, converted into cash with in one year: and
That will be consumed within one year,
are called current assets
Cash in hand
Cash at bank
Debtor / Accounts receivable
Bills receivable
Prepaid expenses
Incomes receivable
Notes receivable

2. Liabilities
Liabilities are of 2 types:
Short term liabilities
Long term liabilities

Short term liabilities / current liabilities
Liabilities which are to be paid within one year are called short term liabilities.
Accounts payable (Creditors)
Bills payable
Notes payable
Short term bank loan 
Expenses payable
Bank overdraft
Long term liabilities 
Liabilities which are to be paid after one year are called long term liabilities.
Long term bank loan
Debentures, bonds etc.

3. Capital or owner’s equity
The amount of cash, goods or any other asset which is invested by owner is called capital or owner’s equity.

4. Expenses
These are of two types:
Direct expenses
Indirect expenses
Direct expenses
Expenses incurred to produce goods or incurred during the process of taking goods from the point of purchases to the point of sale are called direct expenses.
Carriage, carriage in, carriage inward
Railway carriage, railway carriage in ward
Freight, freight in, freight inward
Cartage, cartage in, cartage inward
Octroi duty
Custom duty
Coal, gas and water expenses
Motive power expenses
Royalty expenses

Indirect expenses
Expenses incurred to sell the goods or the expenses incurred on administration of business are called indirect expenses.
Carriage out carriage outward
Freight out / freight outward
Cartage out / cartage outward
Rates and taxes (which is collected by the local government)
Advertisement expenses
Entertainment expenses
Stationery expenses
Free samples
Repair and maintenance expenses
Bad debts
Discount allowed.
Commission paid expenses.
Interest paid expenses.
General expenses
Utility bills expenses

5. Revenues
These are of 2 types:
Operational revenues
Non operational revenues

Operational revenues
Revenues earned from the daily operation of business are called operational revenues.
For example 
Sales revenue
Non operational revenues
Revenues earned other than operational activities are called non operational revenues. These are called other revenues.
Discount received
Rent received
Commission received
Interest received


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